C. Liu
Institute for Astronomy
University of Hawai'i
2680 Woodlawn Drive
Honolulu, HI 96822
1 808 956 6666 (office)
1 808 956 4532 (FAX)
mliu "at" ifa.hawaii.edu (email)
My current research focuses
on understanding the physical nature and origin of substellar objects,
i.e. brown dwarfs and extrasolar planets. The last two decades have witnessed
a revolution in astronomy with the discovery of these long-sought objects.
I am interested in direct observational studies to probe their formation
mechanism(s) and to understand the plausible diversity of planetary systems.
From a technical perspective, my research employs optical, infrared, and
sub-mm instrumentation, with a particular interest in high spatial resolution
techniques such as adaptive optics.
research is supported by the NSF, NASA, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
I was born and raised in
the Washington, DC area. I did my undergraduate degree at Cornell
University, and the frigid winters there drove me to sunny UC
Berkeley for my doctorate work. I then completed my westward migration
by moving to the idyllic University of Hawaii, first as Beatrice
Watson Parrent Fellow and then Hubble Fellow, before joining the
Vitae: Postscript PDF
Interests (read more here)
- Exoplanets
- Brown dwarfs
- Star and planet formation
- Adaptive optics
- Wide field Surveys
- Infrared astronomy and instrumentation
Current Research
Group and Associates (circa 2012)
Past Members and Associates (incomplete, current status circa 2012)
First Dynamical Mass Measurement for a Binary T Dwarf
[press page] [preprint]
M. Liu, T. Dupuy & M. Ireland 2008, ApJ, 689, 436
- A
Novel T Dwarf Binary Found with Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive
Optics and the Potential Role of Binarity in the L/T Transition [press
M. Liu, S. Leggett, D. Golimowski, K. Chiu et al. 2006, ApJ, in press
- Kelu-1
is a Binary L Dwarf: First Brown Dwarf Science from Laser Guide Star
Adaptive Optics
M. Liu & S. Leggett 2005, ApJ,
636, 616
Substructure in the Circumstellar Disk around the Young Star AU Microscopii
M. Liu, 2004, Science, 305, 1442
- A
Submillimeter Search of Nearby Young Stars for Cold Dust: Discovery
of Debris Disks around Two Low-Mass Stars [press
Liu, B. Matthews, J. Williams & P. Kalas 2004, ApJ, 608, 526
- A
Survey for Circumstellar Disks around Young Substellar Objects
M. Liu, J. Najita, & A. Tokunaga
2003, ApJ, 585, 372
Discovery of a Methane Dwarf from the IfA Deep Survey [web
M. Liu, R. Wainscoat, E. Martin, B. Barris & J. Tonry 2002,
ApJL, 568, 107
- Crossing
the Brown Dwarf Desert with Adaptive Optics: A Very Close L-Dwarf Companion
to the Nearby Solar Analog HR 7672 [web
page] [press page]
M. Liu, D. Fischer, J. Graham, J. Lloyd, G. Marcy & P. Butler
2002, ApJ, 571, 519
- Surface
Brightness Fluctuations of Fornax Cluster Ellipticals: Calibration of
Infrared SBFs and Evidence for Recent Star Formation
M. Liu, J. Graham & S. Charlot 2002, ApJ, 564, 216
- IR
Surface Brightness Fluctuations of the Coma Elliptical NGC 4874 and
the Value of the Hubble Constant
M. Liu & J. Graham 2001, ApJL, 557, L31
- Two
Substellar Companions Orbiting HD 168443
G. Marcy, P. Butler, S. Vogt, M. Liu, G. Laughlin, et al. 2001, ApJ,
555, 418
- Theoretical
Predictions for Surface Brightness Fluctuations and Implications for
Stellar Populations of Elliptical Galaxies
M. Liu, S. Charlot, & J. Graham 2000, ApJ, 543, 644
- Extremely
Red Objects in the Field of QSO 1213-0017: A Galaxy Concentration at
z = 1.31
M. Liu, A. Dey, J. Graham, K. Bundy, C. Steidel, et al. 2000, AJ, 119,
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Last modified on
November 29, 2006