Robert D. (Bob) Joseph
Resources Available
Potted Bio
Curriculum vitae
Recent papers and preprints
The Starburst-AGN Connection: A Spitzer Search for AGN in IR-Selected Starburst Galaxies (pdf)
A Survey of Merger Remnants III: Are Merger Remnants Support by Rotation or Anisotropy? (pdf)
Spitzer and JCMT Observations of the Active Galactic Nucleus in the Sombrero Galaxy (NGC4594) (pdf)
Optical and Infrared Observations of the Type II SN 2002hh from Day 3 to 397 (pdf)
A Survey of Merger Remnants II. The Emerging Kimematic & Photometric Correlations (pdf)
Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions of Nearby Galaxies (pdf)
Recovering the Sky in the Western Intellectual Tradition (pdf)
A Deep K-Band Photometric Survey of Merger Remnants (pdf)
Nuclear Stellar Populations in the ISO Atlas of Bright Spiral Galaxies (pdf)
Star Formation in the ISO Atlas of Bright Spiral Galaxies (pdf)
Dust Temperatures in the ISO Atlas of Bright Spiral Galaxies (pdf)
An ISO Atlas of Bright Spiral Galaxies (pdf)
The Great Debate: Starbursts as the Energy Source of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies (pdf)
Lecture courses
Course Information for Astronomy 110, Section 2, Autumn 2008 (pdf)
Lecture Schedule for Astronomy 110, Section 2, Autumn 2008 (pdf)
Web pages for Astronomy 380, The Cosmos in Western Culture
Course Outline for Astronomy 627 Cosmology, Spring 2002
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute lectures: "History of Cosmology in Western Civilization"
IfA Home Page
Last update: August 2007
Robert D. Joseph (