ASTR 735: Pan-STARRS Seminar, Fall 2012
1. Course Objectives
This seminar introduction to the Pan-STARRS project,
the PS1 surveys, data products, and the tools for accessing them.
All students, postdocs, and faculty, (at IfA or throughout the PS1 Science Consortium) are welcome and encouraged
to attend any or all of the weekly seminars, either in person or virtually.
Those students registering for credit for the seminar will be
expected to do a science project with PS1 data, talk to Ken Chambers.
2. Course Information
- Organizer: Ken Chambers
- Place: IfA Auditorium
- Polycom: (we can handle a lot of incoming connections so if you have polycom you are welcome to join us.)
- Fridays at 1:00pm = 1300 HST = 2300 GMT
- We will be ramping up to to broadcast (and record) by EVO to the rest of the PS1 Science Consortium.
3. Course Requirements
A short paper using PS1 data
on a science topic of the students choice
will be required at the end of the semester.
5. Suggested homework/reading
4. Links
5. Lectures, Materials (Subject to change)
- 2012-08-24 1: Highlights of PS1 Science from Durham meeting (Ken Chambers)
- 2012-08-31 2: The Pan-STARRS Surveys and Status (Ken Chambers)
- 2012-09-07 3: The Pan-STARRS Gigapixel Camera, Calibration, Medium Deep Fields, and ATLAS (John Tonry)
- 2012-09-14 4: The Pan-STARRS PS1 and PS2 Telescopes (Jeff Morgan)
- 2012-09-21 5: Cluster and Parallel Computing, and the Image Processing Pipeline (Eugene Magnier)
- 2012-09-28 6: PS1 Object Analysis: Point Sources and Extended Objects (Eugene Magnier)
- 2012-10-05 7: Introduction to Large Databases and Data Mining (Jim Heasley)
2012-10-12 8: PSPS Database architecture (Conrad Holmberg), start of weekly interactive workshop for last ~15 minutes, open ended.
2012-10-19 9: Issues with PS1 data, detrending, camera and telescope artifacts in the data (Chris Waters)
2012-10-26 10: PS2 - Managing the Next Step for Pan-STARRS (Will Burgett)
2012-11-02 11: MOPS: moving object pipeline, moving object data products; (Larry Deneau)
- 2012-11-09 00: No class. Makeup on Monday November 26.
- 2012-11-16 12: The New PSPS Schema, PSVO, topcat (Ken Chambers); including workshop
- 2012-11-23 : No class, Thanksgiving break
- 2012-11-26 13: MONDAY: PS1 data products, data structure (Heather Fleweling)
- 2012-11-29 14: Medium Deep Field data, Transient Server (Mark Huber); followed by 15 min workshop
- 2012-12-07 15: PS1 postage stamp server (Conrad Holmberg, Bill Sweeney); followed by 15 min PS1 postage stamp server workshop
Ken Chambers
(chambers AT
Last modified: Aug 20, 2012