Predicting wind-driven turbulence for adaptive optics control Speaker: Alexander Rudy (UCSC) Efficient and effective adaptive optics systems will become essential to the productivity of the next generation of ground-based telescopes. We can build larger deformable mirrors, and we can advance our wavefront sensing to reconstruct a 3D model of atmospheric turbulence: adaptive optics in large telescopes will quickly be limited by the speed at which we can reconstruct the atmospheric turbulence. This talk will discuss a technique which allows adaptive optics systems to run slower. Using Fourier analysis, we can identify correlated turbulent motions in on-sky data. Our telemetry suggests that frozen-flow turbulence is a dominant source of phase error for adaptive optics systems. With a Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian-based phase reconstructor we can remove the effects of these correlated motions from AO systems. We demonstrate the use of one such predictive controller in a laboratory environment, with artificial turbulence, and show how such a controller could be applied to working adaptive optics systems to greatly reduce or eliminate the temporal bandwidth error, the dominant source of error in most operating AO systems, and one of the largest remaining sources of error for large (30-meter class) telescopes.