SPECTRE: A low-resolution spectrograph concept for IRTF Michael Connelley (IfA/IRTF) Spectre is a new instrument concept for IRTF that is optimized for the rapid characterization of asteroids and transient astrophysical objects. Spectre is an IFU prism spectrograph with simultaneous coverage from 300 nm to 4.2 microns at a spectral resolution of R~100. In addition to being the first visible light spectrograph on IRTF, Spectre will have approximately twice the throughput of SpeX in the near-IR. This instrument will have no moving optics to reduce complexity and improve observing efficiency. Specter's software is key to the instruments success, from real time data reduction and visualization, to an efficient user interface and guiding on fast moving targets. This talk will describe the current optical design, software requirements, science cases, and project status.